Jan 8, 2012

A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains

Ahhhh...the first post of the new year. Better make it a good one just in case anyone reads my ramblings (does anyone actually take time to do so? Thanks, if so)

My time thus far in Florida has been bitter sweet, and by bitter I mean the feeling when you get when one eats a persimmon before it is fully right (I was tricked into this many, many times.) But lets take this time to talk about what God is doing. The others are for a different time, different blog productof88.blogspot.com.

January 11th is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day (thanks President Obama for passing this, for this I commend you) So please mention this to everyone. Many people have no clue that slaves even exist today. They believe the last time a slave was around was during a war about some civil stuff, not to mention that we come into contact with many of them and don't even know it......FYI, the movie Taken wasn't just another Hollywood story. Its real, and this stuff happens all day, every day. And this movie is the glorified version of rescuing a victim of trafficking. I wish one man could fly across the ocean and rescue his daughter. Many times IF someone is found, it takes many many people to pull the attempt off. So go on...tell your kids, tell your wife, tell your kids, tell your wife that you can do something about it. And together, we gonna find THEM!

Praise the Lord I have three meetings this month about gangs/trafficking! Pray that I can network with people and that I can serve where I am able.

Talking to my pastor last night. He informed me that some time ago, he went to speak at a Hispanic Church on trafficking. Afterwards a lady in the crowd said, "Oh my God, I know where that is happening!" She told him, and what was only supposed to be a speaking arrangement for him ended up also being a rescue mission-he helped save 2 boys from being trafficked any longer!! Praise God!
He mentioned also that police investigation is underway. Pray that God gives our team the wisdom and ability to rescue other victims in the Tampa Bay area.

A glass can only spill what it contains. Common sense ehh?? What is spilling from your glass?

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