Nov 21, 2011

Limited Edition

My apologies for the delay.

I have come to learn that my vocab and God's vocab don't exactly mean the same. For all of my words, mine usually have quickness attached to the end. And it seems as if God's words have slow attached to the end. I only have in the neighborhood of 80 years here on this speck of dirt. God, well he made the place and everything that surrounds it, plus some. And speaking in the time sense, he is unlimited. In fact, he made the clock that measures time, and even time itself. So he is in no hurry. But looking back, his timing has always been the best.

The events leading up to me moving to Tampa happened quite fast. One right after the other. BAM BAM BAM. Pronto. So in moving here, I expected everything to follow suit. (haha)

My life previously had always been as follows: God would reveal something to me, I would struggle with it for a while (and even missed a few opportunities), then I would give in. And things would happen quickly after I surrendered. Over the past few months, I have been giving in to God more quickly, and it seems like I am waiting on things to happen (the human trafficking ministry for instance). But in the mean time, I am preparing for ministry (which I really hadn't done to begin with, and everything that works out must have preparation- which I am learning).

So if you are the prayin' type, pray that I would stop trying to analyze God and everything he tells me to, and that I would accept his ways.

So while I have been learning, preparing, and waiting, I have come to realize that we all are Limited Editions. We all are here for x# of years. We all have different skills and abilities that each other need. So lets make the most of time while we are here.

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